Tuesday, October 14, 2008


Indonesian Volunteer Opportunity

There is still time to plan for this trip and there are still volunteer spots open, so we can use YOU! We are in need of a variety of medical specialties and hard-working laity. No matter what your clinical specialty; whether you are retired or currently working; we can put you to work. PLEASE CONSIDER THIS OPPORTUNITY. If you’ve ever wanted to share in a life-changing experience, this would be a wonderful time to put faith into action and witness to the mercy of Christ. Before leaving, our team will meet in Atlanta on February 14, 2009 for an evening and following morning of introduction and team-building before leaving the next day for Indonesia. Our team will then travel to Indonesia during the days of February 15-25, 2009. While there we will set up clinics for care with the extremely underserved poor on the island of Sumatra. The temporary clinics will be set up near our office in Aceh and the surrounding area of the northern part of the island. LCMS World Relief and Human Care currently has a project under development in Aceh following the destruction from the Tsunami. Before returning home, you will have a day of rest and visit indigenous areas of this beautiful tropical island for sightseeing. Volunteers cover the cost of the trip which includes their own airfare from their chosen departure airport, and a flat fee for ground transportation, lodging, and medical supplies for the needy (total estimated to be around $3000). If needed, we can provide brochures about the program and a letter of recommendation to assist you in your personal fundraising for this trip. In addition, we have added a new feature to our program which allows you to put your trip fees and airfare on your Visa or Mastercard and you will be able to receive a receipt for a tax deduction for your trip fees. For this trip, Darin Storkson (our regional director in Asia) and I will serve as your team leaders on this inaugural trip to Indonesia to complement the other projects being conducted there by LCMS World Relief and Human Care. In order to confirm your spot on the Indonesian team, we need to know of your interest as soon as possible. Please pray about this opportunity to serve and call or write me at Maggie.karner@lcms.org with your intention to participate in this trip and I will send you all the trip details. Feel free to call me at 800-248-1930, ext. 1371, or my cell at 765-748-7743 with any questions or concerns. In the healing and merciful name of Christ,
Maggie Karner
Director, Life and Health Ministries
LCMS World Relief and Human Care

Wednesday, August 27, 2008


Halfway through the week. Getting ready for my nephew's wedding this weekend. My family seems to be having these weddings annually as we have quite a number of nieces and nephews around the same age range. I am looking forward to the event. It is significant so many of the other nieces and nephews are coming for the ceremony. I guess we all understand what a significant event a wedding is. It is quite a sober thing to be present when eternity is changed and lives are committed. I am so thankful that we understand ii is so much more than a party...although the party is pretty good too!

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

The kid is gone

So this week we dropped off our oldest at the dorm to begin her first semester of college. Man...I had no idea I was this old. Somehow, I thought I was still 18 or something.... But I'm amighty proud of her. My middle girl wasted no time taking over the empty room. Why do we all need these personal spaces to call our own? Even I have carved out my own space down here in the basement where my office is. We have an old house basement with original foundation walls and concrete floors, so I call it my cave. I'm sure anyone with taste would appreciate it....got my corona mirror sign, mule deer antlers, christmas lights....quite a special place. Stop by sometime.


Welcome to my space. I usually don't write much 'cause I am too busy talking instead. But when I have no one to talk to, I'll write it down here for you. My boss, Matt Harrison just started his blog, so I figured, what-the-heck...so can I.